I believe that an incorrect answer is marked as the correct one for AN050.
The question asks, "With which metric was the route to host learned?" H2P has marked the correct answer as 0, which refers to the routing table entry of [1/0]. The correct answer should be 38443, which refers to the routing table entry of [110/38443], because this is the longest prefix match.
If I am incorrect, I hope someone will elucidate the reason why. Or, if everyone is in agreement with my assessment, hopefully How2Pass will provide a bug fix for this question. Thanks.
The question asks, "With which metric was the route to host learned?" H2P has marked the correct answer as 0, which refers to the routing table entry of [1/0]. The correct answer should be 38443, which refers to the routing table entry of [110/38443], because this is the longest prefix match.
If I am incorrect, I hope someone will elucidate the reason why. Or, if everyone is in agreement with my assessment, hopefully How2Pass will provide a bug fix for this question. Thanks.