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ICND2 Today
I passed the ICND2 today.  I can't say enough how helpful the expert explanations of how2pass were.  I read 5 books on the subject and spent a good 40 hours with equipment and simulators just for the exam.  I just started working with VoIP at work.  I am very good at self study and retain information well.  I still would not have passed if accurate and focused explanations were not available.  Most people learn better when faced with a problem and must research a solution.  The questions provide that challenge wile connecting theory through concise explanation.

The test time is a little short in my opinion.  There is a lot of information to process even before you begin to solve the problem.  You can easily burn up time just plain reading every word.  This is where the questions help focus your attention to the core issues.  It takes practice learning what to look for.  Just navigating through the sims takes practice.  It felt weird going from real stuff to the testing interface.  The timer is very intimidating!   

I was glad it could be done in two parts with the first being a cert itself.  This was a mental relief for me to only risk half the money while still getting a respectable cert.  I felt I could take my time with the second half having a cert to satisfy requirements to be allowed access to systems.
My study stuff: GNS3 router sim,  Cisco ICND1/ICND2, Sybex CCNA, Sybex Fast Pass, Cisco condensed commands.  GNS3 was a lot of fun to use and encouraged learning.  The ability to quickly assemble a complex topology and tweak its behavior was super valuable.  I found myself on the sim more then the equipment.  The debug output goes a long way towards understanding.   

I was getting a little burned out with studying so I am glad to get the chance to apply this new found knowledge.  My family is glad to have me back.  I felt bad missing some stuff to study, but is becoming the norm just to keep a job.  If you don't enjoy this technology and looking for a quick ticket, studying will be a miserable experience so be warned.

  How2pass may have just saved my career! I will be moving on to CCNA Voice for VoIP support.


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