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Passed ICND1 Today!!! Whoo Hoo!

Well I passed with a score of 950 out of 1000, had to have an 804 to pass.  There were 50 questions on my test and 1.5 hours to take it.

Advise: Use the How2Pass testing to check where your weak areas are.  I use this method a couple of weeks and was still not feeling 100%. Was only getting 85% on the final tests using 60 questions. I felt I needed 90's or better.  Use your time during the tutorial to write down a subnet table for quick reference, you know like multiples of 4,8,16,32, all the way to 256.  Every second counts, this will help save you time to spend on more difficult questions and possibly save you at the end of the test, especially if you end up with 60 questions. Anyway there is a lot to know and this helps you with zeroing in on weak spots.

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