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Passed ICND2, Now CCNA certified
Passed the ICND2 this morning with a 958/1000. And yes the ICND2 is no joke! How2pass does an excellent job in getting you ready for the exam. Yes the questions are similar to how2pass but NO they are not the same like a braindump. As everyone before me has said, you must KNOW the content to pass the exam. How2pass does awesome job in preparing you to take a Cisco exam and taking the questions over and over will help you to keep your emotions in check while sitting the exam.
My prep is as follows:

1) Todd Lammle CCENT Sybex
2) CCENT for Dummies
3) Todd Lammle CCNA Sybex ver 6
4) Cisco Press ICND1 and ICND2, Cant stand the books but Wendel Odoms subnetting with the magic number is money!
5) Todd Lammle Video series, Great for review after you read his book.
6) CBT Nuggets CCENT/CCNA. Jeremy Cioara taught me every thing I know.
7) How2pass to polish it all off.

Between all the videos and book work, I think Im around 300 hours of Prep. Im currently working as a Network Admin and I dont have the Liberty of being a Paper CCNA tech. You just cant fake it here on the job site. Im currently watching the CCNA for the Real World by CBT nuggets and its looking like it might be a bust after watching the first 4 Videos. We will see. I will be starting CCNP Switch in a few weeks and look forward to meeting my wife and kids again. Good Luck for those of you who are getting ready to certify.


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