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composite exam vs taking 2

It seems like the majority doesn't take this composite exam, but I personally don't like the drag of having multiple exams when you can kill them both in one shot. I passed my CCNA today, and it was no big deal to take it in one shot.

Can anybody share their experience or thoughts in regard of taking the composite 892 exam vs separate? Is it much harder?

I be interested in hearing peoples opinions on this, i was under the impression that the composite test was only avaliable to people who were re-certificating ie people who had already passed CCNP.

Let me know your thoughts

I believe you do have some choice, and that you can take the composite exam whether you're doing it for the first time or recertifying; you can take the composite exam (BCMSN and BSCI) and then take the other two (ISCW and ONT), or do what most people do and take the 4 exams separately.

I'm currently studying for the BCMSN and wouldn't really fancy trying the comp exam, too much info to take in!!!

Quote:too much info to take in!!!

Well I have to disagree with this statement.
The amount of material you have to take in still remains the same. Either you eat 2 cookies at once or one after the other still have the same amount of calories (generally speaking).

The trade off here is time vs deeper understanding. It's just like taking the CCNA in one hit, where they can't really ask you questions too deep from both tests (the separate ones) so they compromise on the depth somewhere in between. I think it's actually easier, you will still study the same amount of time in both cases.

I will be personally taking the composite, I hate to stretch time like a melting gum Smile

I will be brining this post from the dead once I get through that test.

Until then, good luck to everyone who attempts to go the path
Personally though I just feel that i'd be too overloaded for the comp exam as there is a lot of information to take in. Id rather just focus on one at a time. Each to their own though.

Good luck if you do attempt it. Let us know how it goes!

I took all 4 separately myself---failed BSCI the first time, passed the second time, and then passed BCRAN, BCMSN and CIT all the first time, in that order. I used routers and switches at home, Boson Net Sim (when I was lazy, and did not need advanced configs), Cisco Press books and of course this site---subscription to all practice tests. For CCNA, I took a year of CCNA 1 thru 4, Cisco Academy, read books, Boson Net Sim, and this site.

I did think of doing the comp exam also, I did the CCNA in 2 parts as it covered/tested on more areas, it took me 4 months from strt to finish.
Now I am doing the CCNP and starting with the BSCI I believe that in this trade, I have 12 years experience in IT/Networking, the more in depth you go the better it is in the long run.
Build yourself a lab, take the time, it will pay off, I have seen too many paper CCNA's,CCNP's, MCSE's etc all of which fell apart when the kit they were working on didn't do what they expected.
Nice one. Thanks. I love reading H2P

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